Tuesday, October 2, 2018



Kiki Astrea, M.Pd.

Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan


People of Laren seeing school in SD has a bad religion education, school in MI has a good student and a good religion education. People mayority choosen school in MI than SD. The history of than feeling are the people of Laren is a people religious. School in SD have a little study of religion and have a many  study of exac. And than a many foundation set up a school a religion basic. So many people of Laren move to school a religion basic, that is MI. The people has a feeling that school in MI will having a good output. But if having to see, school in SD not bad too. Actually, over all is good. That feeling are suggestion of mind. That suggestion  giving the people a bad feeling ton school in SD. The data used in the form of stories that are written based on the recording in the people of Laren. Data collection by specifying objects and recording. Method of data analysis by processing, collecting data based on result of recording then conducted recording and analysis of data to be presented.

Keyword: Literacy. Local wisdom. Development learners. SD/MI Laren.


Literacy is literacy, namely the ability to write and read, literacy culture is intended to perform the habit of thinking followed by a process of reading, writing that in the end what is done in a process of the activity will create the work. To cultivate or to get used to reading, writing is a necessary process if indeed in a group of people the habit is not yet or has not been formed.

There are many ways to form a culture of literacy such as (close, easy, cheap, happy, go):

1. Approach access of reading facilities (books and non books)

2. Ease of access get reading material

3. Cheap / No cost (free)

4. Fun with all the hospitality

5. Sustainability / Continue / istiqomah

But actually the effort is not enough with only five steps, because there is a more detailed description. Not just the availability of facilities alone but there is a way how to establish relationships between people so that the relationship will mpengaruhi how a community group can receive well what will be our goal to do literacy movement.

Local wisdom of society there are several forms, which can be regarded as a habit of a society. Cooperation and mutual cooperation is one form of local wisdom in Indonesia as stipulated in Pancasila. Another form of local wisdom is the perspective of a community in choosing a school place. Rural people have different local wisdom with the urban community. For example, people in Laren sub-district prefer to go to Madrasahs rather than primary schools. They assume that schools in Madrasahs are better than in elementary schools, because in Madrasah there are many religious subjects than in elementary school, so graduates from Madrasahs must be more understanding of religion.

Culture becomes an interesting thing in the literary work because of its beauty value. Culture comes from the word sangsekerta buddhayah, the plural form of buddhi which means mind and reason. Thus culture is defined: "things that are concerned with reason" (Koentjoroningrat, 2009: 146). Culture is closely related to Indonesian literature. Overlays all popular literature containing Indonesian culture, as well as the border between Indonesian culture and foreign culture.

Indonesian society has a variety of cultures that are ancestral heritage and carried on from generation to generation. One of the cultures that is still practiced today is the "customs" (Purwadi, 2007: 12). Customs are a habit that a society undertakes. This habit occurs because of the inheritance of the ancestral heritage.

Generally, people are easy to accept foreign culture and difficult to accept culture such as, elements that concern ideology, philosophy of life and at first stage of socialization process. For example rice as the staple food of Indonesian society is difficult to change with other staple food (Soekanto, 1986: 168-169). Similarly, the socialization process of the Laren community is more prioritized and can not be changed with others.

Local wisdom can be defined as a local cultural treasure that contains a living policy; the way of life that accommodates wisdom and living wisdom. In Indonesia-which we know as Nusantara-local wisdom is not only applied locally to a particular culture or ethnic, but can be said to be cross-cultural or cross-ethnic to form a national cultural value. For example, almost every local culture in the archipelago is known for local wisdom that teaches mutual cooperation, tolerance, work ethic, and so on. In general ethics and moral values ​​contained in local wisdom are taught inherited, passed down from generation to generation through oral literature (among others in the form of proverbs and proverbs, folklore), and manuscripts.

Although there is an effort to inherit local wisdom from generation to generation, there is no guarantee that local wisdom will persist in facing globalization that offers a more pragmatic and consumptive lifestyle. In fact we can see how the local wisdom that is full of policy and life philosophy is almost not implemented in the practice of life that is more pragmatic. The widespread corruption of almost every level is a clear proof of the denial of local wisdom that teaches "to be sick first, have fun later"; "Saving the rich base".

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is an Education Institution equivalent to elementary school (SD), under the auspices of Kemenag (formerly called DEPAG). Curriculum structure, quality and quantity of eyes GENERAL Lessons are exactly the same as those applied to elementary school, follow the same UN and along with SD. The difference between MI and SD is that in MI there are additional subjects of Religion (Islam), if the elementary school of religious subjects 2 hours of lessons each week, then the MI kwantitasnya reached 10 hours of lessons, with the following details:

1. Al-Quran Hadith: 2 hours of lesson

2. Aqidah Akhlaq: 2 hours of lesson

3. Fiqh: 2 hours of lesson

4. History of Islamic Culture: 2 hours of lesson

5. Arabic: 2 hours of lesson

Even plus the local content of Religion (Read Write Al-Quran) 2 hours lesson, so the total hours of religious lessons in one week as much as 12 hours of lessons. Because it is definitely for every day MI students will come home later than when compared with elementary school students. The fact that certainly makes us more hope that someday our children will be more master of religious education when we entrust our children's basic education at a school called "Madrasah Ibtidaiyah". https://mialfalahiyahplompong.blogspot.co.id/2013/05/mi-al-falahiyah-plompong.html

According to Vladimir Propp in Endraswara (2003: 155) has given signs of story analysis and its function. He has found several important theoretical functions, namely: a) functional terms are the most steady and unchanging elements of oral literature, although figures that support functions change; b) the function of oral literature is limited in number, there are approximately 31 functions; c) the order of functions in fairy tales is always the same; d) a fairy tale represents only one type when viewed from its structure. The function is always associated with character figures. Perwatakan is strongly supported by the point of view of the story.

Research on local wisdom is mostly done by researchers, one of them by LR Retno Susanti in his article entitled "Building Character Education in Schools Through Local Wisdom" The research focuses on how to improve education activities and the quality score achieved in education, in contrast to research In this study, we will discuss the influence of local wisdom in choosing school places. The formulation of the problem in this research are: 1) how is the form of local wisdom in school life in Laren district Lamongan regency ?; 2) how is the literacy of local wisdom of Laren influencing development learnears?


This study is qualitative meaning that is collected not in the form of numbers but words or images something. This study is also conducted solely on the basis of existing facts or phenomena that may be empirically alive in society so that the resulting form of oral text. The object of this research is the people of Keduyung village and Pesanggrahan Laren lamongan, and the elementary school of Keduyung and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah village Pesanggrahan Laren Lamongan. Object research obtained from direct interviews with informants in the field. With data collection techniques, namely observation techniques, interview techniques, recording techniques, recording techniques and documentation techniques. Then the determination of research setting, determining informant, doing data translation, and analyzed by using qualitative descriptive method and content analysis to know how form of local wisdom and its influence to the development of learners in Laren district of Lamongan.


1.     Local wisdom of the Laren community

Based on research in some villages in Laren sub-district, as well as in Madrasah and SD in Laren, especially in Keduyung and Pesanggrahan villages. Desa keduyung has two primary schools, namely Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Keduyung and SDN Keduyung. Of the two schools, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah schools have more students than in SDN Keduyung. The research was also conducted in elementary school in Pesanggrahan. In Pesanggrahan village there are four elementary schools, namely Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah and SDN. Of the four primary schools SDN Pesanggrahan has the fewest students.

Based on an interview with Sarino (52 years old) a resident of Pesanggrahan village, Laren sub-district of Lamongan, in choosing a school place for his children, the pesanggrahan prefer to send their children to Madrasah rather than in elementary school. The selection of these schools is based on subjects that are given in Madrasah schools which provide more religious lessons, such as subjects of fiqh, aqidah akhlak, Qur'an hadith, and history of Islamic culture. While in elementary school, the subjects are not given, but there are only subjects religion of Islam only. That is what underlies Sarino as a member of society and as a parent in choosing the best school according to her for her child. Similarly, the results of interviews with Agus (35 years old) of a Keduyung villager who chose Madrasah schools rather than in elementary school for his children for the same reason.

Some of these studies indicate that SDNs in some villages in Laren have fewer students. Because parents prefer Madrasah as a place to go to school. Because it uses more religious subjects. The selection of Laren community to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah schools occurred in almost all villages in Laren sub-district. The election is a culture of religious society, which emphasizes the science of religion rather than general knowledge and is a local wisdom in the district of Laren ..

According to Nasruddin (2011: vii) Disclosure of local wisdom associated with that culture, has an important meaning to maintain the continuity of culture, as well as to always maintained its sustainability. Moreover, in the midst of modernization the term is now more familiarly known as globalization. In fact, globalization can shift the values ​​of local culture by foreign cultural values ​​that develop so rapidly in the life of people in Indonesia, both living in urban and rural areas. Yet the values ​​contained in the local wisdom, as an explicit and implicit conception typical of a person, a group or society. A desirable value that can influence the available options of the forms, the means, and the goals of action on an ongoing basis. Values ​​that can only be inferred and interpreted from human speech, deeds and material derived through a ritual or educational activity. Therefore, the direct function of value is to direct the behavior of the individual in everyday situations, whereas his indirect function is to express the basic needs of the form of motivational.

2.     Influence Development Learners

Choosing a primary school is not difficult for the Laren community. They chose Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as a place to study for their children. The selection of this school is based on a deeper religious education, because the Laren community is a religious society. Laren district Lamongan district is located on the island of Java precisely in Pantura. Adjacent to Sunan Drajat and Sunan Bonang, so the people of Laren chose Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as a place to learn.

Selection of school premises is a local wisdom that must be preserved. Local wisdom is a culture and characteristic of Indonesian society. In its implementation needs to be implemented continuously, in addition to maintaining the culture, also deepen the knowledge of religion and practice it. Not that studying in SDN is not good in religious education. Schools in SDN have slightly different subjects with MI. Madrasaah Ibtidaiyah has many religious education lessons, so the selection of schools in MI is the right choice for Laren people who generally have higher levels of religiosity. Madrasah ibtidaiyah is the school choice for the people of Laren, this is done without coercion and entrust. Culture is a habit that its implementation does not require much cost. It can even be done without charge. Because it is done with the consciousness of each individual.

Local wisdom by the Laren community influences the development of learners. Aspects that affect the development of learners are:

a.     Cognitive includes: 1. Physical (natural, nutritional, family affection), 2. Psychomotor (Maturity of the child itself is related to the motion of using large muscles and small muscles), 3. Intellectual, namely: sensorimotor (view), pre-operational (imitate), congruent operations (knowing, denying, seeking reciprocity), operational (solving problems and religious knowledge).

b.    Social (including the habit in the family environment, and the school environment Moral (adjusting habits, discipline, responsibility, confidence) Language (intellectual and social) Emotional (satisfied, teacher, general knowledge and dissatisfied with the amount friends, religion).

c.     Tawheed includes: congregational worship service. Study. Sugesti The basic religious knowledge (Islamic education).


1.     Local wisdom of the Laren community

People of Laren seeing school in SD has a bad religion education, school in MI has a good student and a good religion education. People mayority choosen school in MI than SD. The history of than feeling are the people of Laren is a people religious. School in SD have a little study of religion and have a many  study of exac. And than a many foundation set up a school a religion basic.

2.     Influence Development Learners

Influence development learners of SD and MI district Laren having a good cognitive, and tawheed. But influence of sosial having a problem for emotional dissatisfied with the amouth friends in SD. MI learnears dissatisfied with the general teaching.


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